Top Data Mining Projects for Advanced Analytics and Decision-Making

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In today’s data-driven world, businesses are increasingly relying on advanced analytics and decision-making to gain a competitive edge. Data mining, a powerful technique that uncovers patterns and insights from large datasets, plays a crucial role in extracting valuable information for making informed business decisions. 

In this article, we will explore several innovative data mining projects that have revolutionized the field of advanced analytics and decision-making. These projects have had a significant impact on various industries, enabling organizations to drive business success, improve customer experience, and optimize operations.

What is Data Mining?

Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), is a process that involves extracting valuable patterns, insights, and knowledge from large datasets. It is a field of study that combines various techniques from statistics, machine learning, and database systems to analyze and discover patterns, correlations, and relationships within data. Data mining allows organizations to uncover hidden information and make data-driven decisions. By applying algorithms and statistical models, data mining enables the exploration and interpretation of complex datasets to extract meaningful patterns and trends. Learning data mining projects and their techniques are essential for individuals seeking to enhance their analytical skills and gain a deeper understanding of data. In the context of advanced analytics and decision-making, data mining plays a crucial role in transforming raw data into actionable insights, enabling organizations to gain a competitive edge and drive business success.

Customer Segmentation and Personalization

One of the most impactful data mining projects is customer segmentation and personalization. By leveraging data mining techniques, businesses can categorize their customer base into distinct groups based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. This segmentation allows for the delivery of personalized marketing campaigns, tailored product recommendations, and customized customer experiences. For instance, Amazon utilizes customer segmentation to provide personalized product recommendations, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction. This project’s impact lies in enhancing customer engagement, fostering loyalty, and ultimately driving revenue growth.

Fraud Detection and Prevention

Fraud detection and prevention is another critical area where data mining has made a significant impact. By analyzing patterns and anomalies in large datasets, organizations can detect fraudulent activities and take preventive measures. Financial institutions, for example, employ data mining algorithms to identify suspicious transactions and flag potential fraud cases. This proactive approach to fraud detection saves businesses from financial losses and safeguards their reputation. The impact of this project extends beyond monetary benefits, as it fosters trust and confidence among customers, leading to long-term relationships and brand loyalty.

Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing

Predictive maintenance using data mining techniques has transformed the manufacturing industry. By analyzing sensor data and historical maintenance records, organizations can predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively. This approach eliminates unplanned downtime, reduces maintenance costs, and optimizes resources. For instance, General Electric used data mining to predict jet engine failures, resulting in significant cost savings and increased operational efficiency. This project’s impact lies in minimizing disruptions, improving productivity, and ensuring smoother operations.

Sentiment Analysis and Social Media Mining

In the era of social media, sentiment analysis and social media mining have become invaluable for businesses. Data mining algorithms can analyze social media data to understand customer sentiment, opinions, and trends. Organizations can gain insights into public perception, assess brand reputation, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their marketing strategies. For example, airlines utilize sentiment analysis to track customer feedback on social media platforms and address concerns promptly, thereby improving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The impact of this project is evident in improved customer engagement, targeted marketing campaigns, and proactive brand management.

Market Basket Analysis and Cross-Selling

Market basket analysis, a data mining technique, uncovers associations between products frequently purchased together. By analyzing transaction data, businesses can identify cross-selling opportunities and optimize their product offerings. This project helps organizations increase sales revenue by suggesting relevant products to customers during the purchase process. Retail giants like Walmart use market basket analysis to recommend complementary products, resulting in higher average transaction values and increased customer loyalty. The impact of this project lies in boosting sales, improving customer experience, and maximizing revenue potential.

Churn Prediction and Customer Retention

Churn prediction using data mining techniques enables organizations to identify customers who are likely to leave or discontinue their services. By analyzing customer data and behavior patterns, businesses can take proactive measures to retain valuable customers. Telecom companies, for instance, employ churn prediction models to offer targeted promotions, personalized discounts, and improved customer service to prevent customer attrition. This project’s impact lies in reducing customer churn, increasing customer lifetime value, and maintaining a strong customer base.

Supply Chain Optimization

Data mining plays a vital role in optimizing supply chain operations. By analyzing historical sales data, market trends, and supplier performance, organizations can optimize inventory levels, streamline logistics, and improve demand forecasting accuracy. This project helps businesses reduce costs, minimize stockouts, and enhance customer satisfaction through efficient supply chain management. For example, Amazon utilizes data mining algorithms to optimize its logistics and inventory management, enabling faster deliveries and better customer service. The impact of this project is evident in improved operational efficiency, reduced lead times, and increased profitability.

Healthcare Analytics and Predictive Diagnosis

Data mining has significant implications in the healthcare industry, enabling predictive diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. By analyzing patient data, medical records, and genomic information, healthcare providers can identify patterns and make accurate predictions about diseases and treatment outcomes. This project empowers medical professionals to offer personalized care, make informed decisions, and improve patient outcomes. For instance, data mining is used in cancer research to predict tumor behavior, leading to targeted therapies and improved survival rates. The impact of this project is evident in enhanced healthcare delivery, better treatment outcomes, and the potential for early disease detection.

Fraudulent Insurance Claims Detection

Insurance companies face significant challenges in detecting fraudulent claims. Data mining techniques can analyze claim patterns, historical data, and risk factors to identify suspicious claims and prevent fraud. This project helps insurance providers minimize losses, reduce fraudulent activities, and ensure fair pricing for policyholders. The impact of this project extends beyond financial benefits, as it promotes trust, fairness, and sustainability in the insurance industry.

Energy Consumption Analysis and Optimization

Data mining enables the analysis of energy consumption patterns and helps organizations optimize energy usage. By analyzing historical energy data, businesses can identify inefficiencies, patterns of high consumption, and potential areas for optimization. This project empowers organizations to make data-driven decisions, reduce energy costs, and improve sustainability efforts. For example, smart grid technologies leverage data mining to analyze energy usage patterns and optimize electricity distribution. The impact of this project is evident in cost savings, environmental sustainability, and improved energy efficiency.


Innovative data mining projects have revolutionized the field of advanced data analytics and decision-making. The impact of these projects extends across various industries, from personalized customer experiences to optimized operations. Through projects such as customer segmentation, fraud detection, predictive maintenance, sentiment analysis, market basket analysis, churn prediction, supply chain optimization, healthcare analytics, fraudulent claims detection, and energy consumption analysis, organizations can unlock the power of their data and gain valuable insights. Embracing innovative data analytics courses allows businesses to make informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and drive sustainable growth in the era of data-driven decision-making.

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Meet CapPa: DeepMind’s Innovative Image Captioning Strategy Revolutionizing Vision Pre-training and Rivaling CLIP in Scalability and Learning Performance

A recent paper titled “Image Captioners Are Scalable Vision Learners Too” presents an intriguing approach called CapPa, which aims to establish image captioning as a competitive pre-training strategy for vision backbones. The paper, authored by a DeepMind research team, highlights the potential of CapPa to rival the impressive performance of Contrastive Language Image Pretraining (CLIP) while offering simplicity, scalability, and efficiency.

The researchers extensively compared Cap, their image captioning strategy, and the widely popular CLIP approach. They carefully matched the pretraining compute, model capacity, and training data between the two strategies to ensure a fair evaluation. The researchers found that Cap vision backbones outperformed CLIP models across several tasks, including few-shot classification, captioning, optical character recognition (OCR), and visual question answering (VQA). Moreover, when transferring to classification tasks with large labeled training data, Cap vision backbones achieved comparable performance to CLIP, indicating their potential superiority in multimodal downstream tasks.

To further enhance the performance of Cap, the researchers introduced the CapPa pretraining procedure, which combines autoregressive prediction (Cap) with parallel prediction (Pa). They employed Vision Transformer (ViT) as the vision encoder, leveraging its strong capabilities in image understanding. For predicting image captions, the researchers utilized a standard Transformer decoder architecture, incorporating cross-attention to use the ViT-encoded sequence in the decoding process effectively.
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Instead of solely training the model in an autoregressive way in the training stage, the researchers adopted a parallel prediction approach where the model predicts all caption tokens independently and simultaneously. By doing so, the decoder can heavily rely on image information to improve prediction accuracy, as it has access to the full set of tokens in parallel. This strategy allows the decoder to benefit from the rich visual context provided by the image.

The researchers conducted a study to evaluate the performance of CapPa compared to conventional Cap and the state-of-the-art CLIP approach across a wide range of downstream tasks, including image classification, captioning, OCR, and VQA. The results were highly promising, as CapPa consistently outperformed Cap on almost all tasks. Furthermore, compared to CLIP* trained with the same batch size, CapPa achieved comparable or superior performance. Additionally, CapPa showcased strong zero-shot capabilities, enabling effective generalization to unseen tasks, and exhibited promising scaling properties, indicating its potential to handle larger-scale datasets and models.

Overall, the work presented in the paper establishes image captioning as a competitive pre-training strategy for vision backbones. By showcasing the effectiveness of CapPa in achieving high-quality results across various downstream tasks, the research team hopes to inspire further exploration of captioning as a pre-training task for vision encoders. With its simplicity, scalability, and efficiency, CapPa opens up exciting possibilities for advancing vision-based models and pushing the boundaries of multimodal learning.

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Meet CapPa: DeepMind’s Innovative Image Captioning Strategy Revolutionizing Vision Pre-training and Rivaling CLIP in Scalability and Learning Performance Read More »

Deepmind Researchers Open-Source TAPIR: A New AI Model for Tracking Any Point (TAP) that Effectively Tracks a Query Point in a Video Sequence

Computer vision is one of the most popular fields of Artificial Intelligence. The models developed using computer vision are able to derive meaningful information from different types of media, be it digital images, videos, or any other visual inputs. It teaches machines how to perceive and understand visual information and then act upon the details. Computer vision has taken a significant leap forward with the introduction of a new model called Tracking Any Point with per-frame Initialization and Temporal Refinement (TAPIR). TAPIR has been designed with the aim of effectively tracking a specific point of interest in a video sequence.

Developed by a team of researchers from Google DeepMind, VGG, Department of Engineering Science, and the University of Oxford, the algorithm behind the TAPIR model consists of two stages – a matching stage and a refinement stage. In the matching stage, the TAPIR model analyzes each video sequence frame separately to find a suitable candidate point match for the query point. This step seeks to identify the query point’s most likely related point in each frame, and in order to ensure that the TAPIR model can follow the query point’s movement across the video, this procedure is carried out frame by frame.

The matching stage in which candidate point matches are identified is followed by the employment of the refinement stage. In this stage, the TAPIR model updates both the trajectory, which is the path followed by the query point, and the query features based on local correlations and thus takes into account the surrounding information in each frame to improve the accuracy and precision of tracking the query point. The refining stage improves the model’s capacity to precisely track the movement of the query point and adjust to variations in the video sequence by integrating local correlations.
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For the evaluation of the TAPIR model, the team has used the TAP-Vid benchmark, which is a standardized evaluation dataset for video tracking tasks. The results showed that the TAPIR model performs significantly better than the baseline techniques. The performance improvement has been measured using a metric called Average Jaccard (AJ), upon which the TAPIR model has shown to achieve an approximate 20% absolute improvement in AJ compared to other methods on the DAVIS (Densely Annotated VIdeo Segmentation) benchmark.

The model has been designed to facilitate fast parallel inference on long video sequences, i.e., it can process multiple frames simultaneously, improving the efficiency of tracking tasks. The team has mentioned that the model can be applied live, enabling it to process and keep track of points as new video frames are added. It can track 256 points on a 256×256 video at a rate of about 40 frames per second (fps) and can also be expanded to handle films with higher resolution, giving it flexibility in how it handles videos of various sizes and quality.

The team has provided two online Google Colab demos for the users to try TAPIR without installation. The first Colab demo enables users to run the model on their own videos, providing an interactive experience to test and observe the model’s performance. The second demo focuses on running TAPIR in an online fashion. Also, the users can run TAPIR live by tracking points on their own webcams with a modern GPU by cloning the codebase provided.

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Deepmind Researchers Open-Source TAPIR: A New AI Model for Tracking Any Point (TAP) that Effectively Tracks a Query Point in a Video Sequence Read More »

AI Will Eat Itself? This AI Paper Introduces A Phenomenon Called Model Collapse That Refers To A Degenerative Learning Process Where Models Start Forgetting Improbable Events Over Time

Using stable diffusion, pictures could be made from just words. GPT-2, GPT-3(.5), and GPT-4 performed amazingly on many language challenges. The public was first exposed to these types of language models through ChatGPT. Large language models (LLMs) have established themselves as a permanent fixture and are expected to alter the entire online text and imagery ecosystem drastically. Training from massive web-scraped data can only be maintained if given due consideration. Indeed, the value of data acquired regarding true human interactions with systems will increase in the inclusion of content generated by LLMs in data scraped from the Internet.

Researchers from Britain and Canada find that model collapse occurs when one model learns from data generated by another. This degenerative process causes models to lose track of the genuine underlying data distribution over time, even when no change has occurred. They illustrate this phenomenon by providing case studies of model failure in the context of the Gaussian Mixture Model, the Variational Autoencoder, and the Large Language Model. They demonstrate how, over successive generations, acquired behaviors converge to an estimate with extremely minimal variance and how this loss of knowledge about the true distribution begins with the disappearance of the tails. In addition, they demonstrate that this outcome is inevitable even in scenarios with nearly optimal conditions for long-term learning, i.e., no function estimation error.

The researchers conclude by talking about the larger effects of model collapse. They point out how important it is to have access to the raw data to determine where the tails of the underlying distribution matter. Thus, data on human interactions with LLMs will become increasingly useful if used to post material on the Internet on a large scale, thereby polluting data collection to train them.
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Model Collapse: What Is It?

When one generation of learned generative models collapses into the next, the latter is corrupted since they were trained on contaminated data and thus misinterpret the world. Model collapse can be classified as either “early” or “late,” depending on when it occurs. In the early stage of model collapse, the model starts to lose information about the distribution’s tails; in the late stage, the model entangles different modes of the original distributions and converges to a distribution that bears little resemblance to the original, often with very small variance.

In this approach, which considers many models throughout time, models do not forget previously learned data but instead begin misinterpreting what they perceive to be real by reinforcing their ideas, in contrast to the catastrophic forgetting process. This occurs due to two distinct mistake sources that, when combined throughout generations, lead to a departure from the original model. One particular mistake mechanism is crucial to the process; it would survive past the first generation.

Model Collapse: Causes

The basic and secondary causes of model failure are as follows:

The most common error is the result of a statistical approximation, which occurs when there are a finite number of samples but diminishes as the sample size approaches infinity.

Secondary error caused by function approximators not being sufficiently expressive (or occasionally overly expressive beyond the original distribution) is known as functional approximation error.

Each of these factors may exacerbate or ameliorate the likelihood of model collapse. Better approximation power can be a double-edged sword since greater expressiveness can amplify statistical noise and reduce it, leading to a better approximation of the underlying distribution.

Model collapse is said to occur in all recursively trained generative models, affecting every model generation. They make basic mathematical models that collapse when applied to real data but can be used to derive analytical equations for values of interest. They aim to put a number on the impact of various error types on final approximations of the original distribution.

Researchers show that Model Collapse can be triggered by training on data from another generative model, leading to a shift in distribution. As a result, the model incorrectly interprets the training problem. Long-term learning requires maintaining access to the original data source and keeping other data not produced by LLMs readily available over time. It is still being determined how content generated by LLMs can be tracked at scale, which raises problems about the provenance of content scraped from the Internet and the need to distinguish it from other data. Community-wide coordination is one approach to ensuring that all parties participating in LLM development and deployment are communicating and sharing data necessary to settle provenance problems. With data crawled from the Internet before the widespread adoption of the technology or direct access to data provided by humans at scale, it may become increasingly easier to train subsequent versions of LLMs.

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AI Will Eat Itself? This AI Paper Introduces A Phenomenon Called Model Collapse That Refers To A Degenerative Learning Process Where Models Start Forgetting Improbable Events Over Time Read More »

50+ New Cutting-Edge AI Tools (July 2023)

AI tools are rapidly increasing in development, with new ones being introduced regularly. Check out some AI tools below that can enhance your daily routines.

Powered by the GPT model, this tool is a meeting recorder for Zoom and Google Meet. tl;dv transcribes and summarizes the calls for the user.

Using artificial intelligence, Otter.AI empowers users with real-time transcriptions of meeting notes that are shareable, searchable, accessible, and secure
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Taskade is an AI productivity tool that helps users manage their tasks and projects efficiently.

Notion AI is a writing assistant that helps users write, brainstorm, edit, and summarize right inside the Notion workspace.

Microsoft has launched the AI-powered Bing search engine, which is like having a research assistant, personal planner, and creative partner whenever the user searches the web.

Bard is a chatbot developed by Google that helps to boost productivity and bring ideas to life.

Forefront AI is a platform that offers free access to GPT-4, image generation, custom personas, and shareable chats, thereby empowering businesses with improved efficiency and user experience.

Merlin is a ChatGPT extension that helps users to finish any task on any website providing features like blog summarizer and AI writer for Gmail.

WNR AI provides AI templates that convert a simple form into an optimized prompt to extract the best results from AI.

Chat ABC is a better alternative to ChatGPT, providing features like a prompt library, team collaboration, etc.

Paperpal is an AI language assistant and online academic writing tool that identifies language errors and provides instant suggestions to the user.

Monic is an AI tool that makes learning interactive by turning notes, slides, articles, and textbooks into mock tests.

ChartGPT is a tool that transforms simple text into beautiful charts.

Trinka is a grammar checker and language enhancement writing assistant.

Scholarcy reads the user’s articles, reports, and textbooks and converts them into flashcards.

Lavender is a sales email assistant that helps users to write better emails.

Regie is a content platform for revenue teams that allows users to create and publish sales sequences to their sales engagement platform.

Warmer is an AI email personalization tool that helps users to increase their cold emails.

Twain is a communication assistant that helps users to write clear and confident outreach messages that get answers.

Octane is a platform for data collection and personalized Facebook Messenger and SMS automation.

10Web is an automated website builder that improves the core web vitals of users’ websites.

Uncody is a landing page generator that allows users to build professional-looking websites easily.

Dora AI allows users to create editable websites just from an input prompt.

Durable is an AI website builder allowing users to instantly create websites with images and copies.

Replit is a web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables users to build projects online.

Consensus is an AI-powered search engine that extracts findings directly from scientific research.

Writesonic is an AI writer that generates SEO-friendly content for blogs, Google ads, Facebook ads, and Shopify for free.

Yatter Plus is a WhatsApp chatbot that answers all user queries, questions, and concerns in seconds.

Typewise is a text prediction software that boosts enterprise productivity.

Cohere is a tool that provides access to advanced LLMs and NLP tools through APIs.

Quickchat is a conversational AI assistant empowering companies to build their multilingual chatbots.

Kaizan is a Client Intelligence Platform that allows its users to retain their clients and grow revenue.

Looka is an AI-powered logo maker that enables entrepreneurs to easily create a professional logo and brand identity. 

Namecheap is a free logo generator tool for businesses.

LogoAI is a brand-building platform for crafting polished logos, developing cohesive brand identities, and streamlining brand promotion through automation.

Stockimg is an AI image generator that creates logos, book covers, and posters.

Brandmark is an AI-powered logo, business card, and social media graphics designer.

Panopreter is a text-to-speech tool that converts digital content into audio.

Speechelo is a tool that generates human-sounding voiceovers from text.

Synthesys is a platform that allows users to create multilingual voiceovers and videos effortlessly.

Speechify is an AI voice generator capable of converting texts into natural-sounding voices.

Murf is an AI voice generator that makes the process of voiceovers effortless.

Pictory is an AI video generator that creates short videos from long-form content.

Synthesia generates professional videos by simply taking text as input. is an AI-powered video editing platform that allows users to add images, subtitles, convert text to videos, and much more. 

Colossyan allows users to create videos from text within minutes and auto-translate to dozens of languages.

GetIMG allows users to generate original images at scale, edit photos, and create custom AI models.

Shutterstock allows users to create unique AI photos using text prompts.

NightCafe is an AI art generator that allows users to create an artwork within seconds.

Using Artbreeder, users can make simple collages from shapes and images by describing them with a prompt.

Stablecog is an open-source, free, and multilingual AI image generator.

Speak AI allows marketing teams to turn unstructured audio, video, and text into insights using NLP.

AISEO is an AI-powered writing assistant which allows users to generate SEO-optimized content within minutes.

Lumen5 is an AI-powered video creation platform that allows users to easily create engaging video content within minutes.

Spellbook uses LLMs like GPT-4 to draft contracts faster.

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Unlocking AI Potential with MINILLM: A Deep Dive into Knowledge Distillation from Larger Language Models to Smaller Counterparts

Knowledge distillation which involves training a small student model under the supervision of a big teacher model is a typical strategy to decrease excessive computational resource demand due to the fast development of large language models. Black-box KD, in which only the teacher’s predictions are accessible, and white-box KD, in which the teacher’s parameters are used, are the two kinds of KD that are often used. Black-box KD has recently demonstrated encouraging outcomes in optimizing tiny models on the prompt-response pairs produced by LLM APIs. White-box KD becomes increasingly helpful for research communities and industrial sectors when more open-source LLMs are developed since student models get better signals from white-box instructor models, potentially leading to improved performance. 

While white-box KD for generative LLMs has not yet been investigated, it is mostly examined for small (1B parameters) language understanding models. They look into white-box KD of LLMs in this paper. They contend that the common KD could be better for LLMs that carry out tasks generatively. Standard KD objectives (including several variants for sequence-level models) essentially minimize the approximated forward Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between the teacher and the student distribution, known as KL, forcing p to cover all the modes of q given the teacher distribution p(y|x) and the student distribution q(y|x)parameterized by. KL performs well for text classification problems because the output space often contains finite-number classes, ensuring that both p(y|x) and q(y|x) have a small number of modes. 

However, for open text generation problems, where the output spaces are far more complicated, p(y|x) may represent a substantially wider range of modes than q(y|x). During free-run generation, minimizing forward KLD can lead to q giving the void regions of p excessively high probability and producing highly improbable samples under p. They suggest minimizing the reverse KLD, KL, which is commonly employed in computer vision and reinforcement learning, to solve this issue. A pilot experiment shows how underestimating KL drives q to seek the major modes of p and give its vacant areas a low probability. 
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This means that in the language generation of LLMs, the student model avoids learning too many long-tail versions of the instructor distribution and concentrates on the produced response’s accuracy, which is crucial in real-world situations where honesty and dependability are required. They generate the gradient of the objective with Policy Gradient to optimize min KL. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of policy optimization in optimizing PLMs. However, they also discovered that training the model still suffers from excessive variation, reward hacking, and generation length bias. As a result, they include:

Single-step regularisation to lessen variation.

Teacher-mixed sampling to lessen reward hacking.

Length normalization to reduce length bias. 

In the instruction-following setting, which encompasses a wide range of NLP tasks, researchers from The CoAI Group, Tsinghua University, and Microsoft Research offer a novel technique called MINILLM, which they then apply to several generative language models with parameter sizes ranging from 120M to 13B. Five instruction-following datasets and Rouge-L and GPT-4 feedback for assessment are used. Their tests demonstrate that MINILM scales up successfully from 120M to 13B models and consistently beats the baseline standard KD models on all datasets (see Figure 1). More research reveals that MINILLM works better at producing lengthier replies with more variety and has reduced exposure bias and better calibration. The models are available on GitHub.

Figure 1 shows a comparison of the average GPT-4 feedback score on their assessment sets between MINILLM and the sequence-level KD (SeqKD). GPT-2-1.5B is seen on the left with GPT-2 125M, 340M, and 760M acting as the pupils. Middle: GPT-2 760M, 1.5B, and GPT-Neo 2.7B are the pupils, while GPT-J 6B is the instructor. OPT 13B is seen on the right with OPT 1.3B, 2.7B, and 6.7B as the students.

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Meet TRACE: A New AI Approach for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation with Global Coordinate Tracking

Many areas can benefit from and use the recent advances in estimating 3D human pose and shape (HPS). However, most approaches only consider a single frame at a time, estimating human positions relative to the camera. Furthermore, these techniques do not follow individuals and cannot retrieve their worldwide travel paths. The problem is compounded in most hand-held videos since they are shot with a jittery, shaky camera. 

To solve these problems, researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Explore Academy of, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, and implement novel end-to-end reasoning about persons in situations using a 5D representation (space, time, and identity). The proposed TRACE technique has various innovative architectural features. Most notably, it employs two novels, “Maps,” to reason about people’s 3D motion in time and space, both from the camera’s perspective and the world’s perspective. With the help of a second memory module, it is possible to keep tabs on individuals even after lengthy absences. TRACE recovers 3D human models in global coordinates from moving cameras in a single step and simultaneously tracks their movements. 

They had the objective of reconstructing each person’s global coordinates, 3D position, shape, identity, and motion simultaneously. To do this, TRACE first extracts temporal information before using a dedicated brain network to decode each sub-task. First, TRACE uses two parallel axes to encode the video and motion into separate feature maps, one for the temporal picture (F’i) and one for the motion (Oi). Using these features, the Detection and Tracking sub-trees execute multi-subject tracking to reconstruct the 3D human motion in camera coordinates.
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The estimated 3D Motion Offset map shows the relative movement of each subject in space between two frames. An innovative memory unit extracts subject identities and constructs human trajectories in camera coordinates using estimated 3D detections and 3D motion offsets. The novel’s World branch then calculates a world motion map to estimate the subjects’ trajectories in global coordinates.

The absence of real-world data for training and evaluating global human trajectory estimates persists even with a robust 5D representation. However, compiling global human trajectory and camera postures for dynamic camera movies of natural environments (DC videos) is challenging. Therefore, the team simulated camera motions to transform wild films acquired by stationary cameras into DC videos and generate a new dataset called DynaCam.

The team tested TRACE using the DynaCam dataset and two multi-person in-the-wild benchmarks. When it comes to 3DPW, TRACE provides results that are SOTA. On MuPoTS-3D, TRACE achieves better results at tracking humans under long-term occlusion than earlier 3D-representation-based approaches and tracking-by-detection methods. Findings show that TRACE outperforms GLAMR on DynaCam when it comes to calculating the overall 3D trajectory of a human from DC videos.

The team suggests investigating explicit camera motion estimation using training data such as BEDLAM, which includes complicated human motion, 3D scenes, and camera motions in the future. 

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6 AI-Powered Features Transforming Gmail into an Efficient Email Solution

Google’s Gmail has been at the forefront of harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance user experience. With a history of integrating AI into its platform, Gmail continues to evolve, offering a range of features that simplify email management and streamline communication. This article explores six AI-powered capabilities that make Gmail an indispensable tool for users worldwide.

1. “Help me write”:

Gmail’s latest addition, the “Help me write” feature, empowers users to compose emails effortlessly. Accessible through the Workspace Labs program, this feature generates complete email drafts based on simple prompts. Users can refine, customize, and tailor their emails according to their preferences by leveraging generative AI language models. Additionally, the tool can extract details from previous conversations, providing contextual assistance.
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2. Smart Compose:

Smart Compose revolutionizes email composition by suggesting wording options while users type. Operating on Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), this hybrid language generation model enables users to incorporate suggested phrases and sentences into their drafts with a single tap of the “Tab” button. Besides improving efficiency, Smart Compose also aids language learners by exposing them to new English, Spanish, French, and Italian phrases.

3. Smart Reply:

Gmail’s Smart Reply feature accelerates email communication by offering up to three contextually relevant responses to received messages. Powered by advanced machine learning techniques, including deep neural networks, Smart Reply presents nuanced options beyond simple “Yes” or “No” answers. Users can swiftly select and send a suitable response, saving time and effort. Smart Reply adapts to the user’s communication style, enhancing personalization.

4. Tabbed Inbox:

Gmail’s Tabbed Inbox feature intelligently categorizes incoming emails into five tabs: Primary, Promotions, Social, Updates, and Forums. Using a combination of neural network-based machine learning and heuristic algorithms, Gmail accurately assigns emails to the appropriate tab, ensuring a clutter-free inbox. Users can customize the tabs based on their preferences, and the system learns from aggregated and anonymized data to maintain privacy.

5. Summary Cards:

Summary Cards simplify information extraction from email messages, particularly when users only require specific details. By employing heuristic and machine learning algorithms, Gmail automatically identifies relevant content within emails, such as flight itineraries or online purchase summaries. Instead of scrolling through lengthy messages, users are presented with concise information cards containing necessary details at the top of their emails.

6. Nudging:

Nudging helps users stay on top of their email communications by providing reminders to reply to or follow up on important messages. Leveraging machine learning models, Nudging detects unanswered emails and predicts which ones users would typically respond to. After a few days, the system returns these messages to the top of the inbox, reminding users to act. Nudging also extends to outgoing messages, prompting users to send follow-ups if no response is received within a specified time frame.

Google’s ongoing commitment to integrating AI technologies into Gmail has transformed the email experience for millions of users. From the intuitive “Help me write” feature to the time-saving Smart Compose and Smart Reply functionalities, Gmail’s AI-powered capabilities optimize efficiency and assist users in various email-related tasks. The Tabbed Inbox and Summary Cards enhance organization and facilitate quick access to essential information. Finally, Nudging ensures that important emails are noticed, fostering better communication and productivity. As Gmail continues to innovate and evolve, users can expect further advancements that revolutionize their email management experience.

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Friendship Ended with Single Modality – Now Multi-Modality is My Best Friend: CoDi is an AI Model that can Achieve Any-to-Any Generation via Composable Diffusion

Generative AI is a term we hear almost every day now. I even don’t remember how many papers I’ve read and summarized about generative AI here. They are impressive, what they do seems unreal and magical, and they can be used in many applications. We can generate images, videos, audio, and more by just using text prompts.

The significant progress made in generative AI models in recent years has enabled use cases that were deemed impossible not so long ago. It started with text-to-image models, and once it was seen that they produced incredibly nice results. After that, the demand for AI models capable of handling multiple modalities has increased.

Recently, there is a surging demand for models that can take any combination of inputs (e.g., text + audio) and generate various combinations of modal outputs (e.g., video + audio) has increased. Several models have been proposed to tackle this, but these models have limitations regarding real-world applications involving multiple modalities that coexist and interact. 
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While it’s possible to chain together modality-specific generative models in a multi-step process, the generation power of each step remains inherently limited, resulting in a cumbersome and slow approach. Additionally, independently generated unimodal streams may lack consistency and alignment when combined, making post-processing synchronization challenging.

Training a model to handle any mixture of input modalities and flexibly generate any combination of outputs presents significant computational and data requirements. The number of possible input-output combinations scales exponentially, while aligned training data for many groups of modalities is scarce or non-existent. 

Let us meet with CoDi, which is proposed to tackle this challenge. CoDi is a novel neural architecture that enables the simultaneous processing and generation of arbitrary combinations of modalities. 

Overview of CoDi. Source:

CoDi proposes aligning multiple modalities in both the input conditioning and generation diffusion steps. Additionally, it introduces a “Bridging Alignment” strategy for contrastive learning, enabling it to efficiently model the exponential number of input-output combinations with a linear number of training objectives.

The key innovation of CoDi lies in its ability to handle any-to-any generation by leveraging a combination of latent diffusion models (LDMs), multimodal conditioning mechanisms, and cross-attention modules. By training separate LDMs for each modality and projecting input modalities into a shared feature space, CoDi can generate any modality or combination of modalities without direct training for such settings. 

The development of CoDi requires comprehensive model design and training on diverse data resources. First, the training starts with a latent diffusion model (LDM) for each modality, such as text, image, video, and audio. These models can be trained independently in parallel, ensuring exceptional single-modality generation quality using modality-specific training data. For conditional cross-modality generation, where images are generated using audio+language prompts, the input modalities are projected into a shared feature space, and the output LDM attends to the combination of input features. This multimodal conditioning mechanism prepares the diffusion model to handle any modality or combination of modalities without direct training for such settings.

Overview of CoDi model. Source:

In the second stage of training, CoDi handles many-to-many generation strategies involving the simultaneous generation of arbitrary combinations of output modalities. This is achieved by adding a cross-attention module to each diffuser and an environment encoder to project the latent variable of different LDMs into a shared latent space. This seamless generation capability allows CoDi to generate any group of modalities without training on all possible generation combinations, reducing the number of training objectives from exponential to linear.

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Friendship Ended with Single Modality – Now Multi-Modality is My Best Friend: CoDi is an AI Model that can Achieve Any-to-Any Generation via Composable Diffusion Read More »

20+ Best AI Tools For Startups (2023)

Workplace creativity, analysis, and decision-making are all being revolutionized by AI. Today, artificial intelligence capabilities present a tremendous opportunity for businesses to hasten expansion and better control internal processes. Artificial intelligence applications are vast, ranging from automation and predictive analytics to personalization and content development. Here is a rundown of the best artificial intelligence tools that can give young businesses a leg up and speed up their expansion.

Boost your advertising and social media game with – the ultimate Artificial Intelligence solution. Say goodbye to hours of creative work and hello to the high-converting ad and social media posts generated in mere seconds. Maximize your success and minimize your effort with today.

OpenAI’s DALLE 2 is a cutting-edge AI art generator that creates unique and creative visuals from a single text input. Its AI model was trained on a huge dataset of images and textual descriptions to produce detailed and visually attractive images in response to written requests. Startups can use DALLE 2 to create images in advertisements and on their websites and social media pages. Businesses can save time and money by not manually sourcing or creating graphics from the start, thanks to this method of generating different images from text. 
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Using artificial intelligence, Otter.AI empowers users with real-time transcriptions of meeting notes that are shareable, searchable, accessible, and secure. Get a meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates summaries.

Notion is aiming to increase its user base through the utilization of its advanced AI technology. Their latest feature, Notion AI, is a robust generative AI tool that assists users with tasks like note summarization, identifying action items in meetings, and creating and modifying text. Notion AI streamlines workflows by automating tedious tasks, providing suggestions, and templates to users, ultimately simplifying and improving the user experience.

Motion is a clever tool that uses AI to create daily schedules that account for your meetings, tasks, and projects. Say goodbye to the hassle of planning and hello to a more productive life.

With its outstanding content production features, Jasper, an advanced AI content generator, is making waves in the creative industry. Jasper, considered the best in its area, aids new businesses in producing high-quality content across multiple media with minimal time and effort investment. The tool’s efficiency stems from recognizing human writing patterns, which facilitates groups’ rapid production of interesting content. To stay ahead of the curve, entrepreneurs may use Jasper as an AI-powered companion to help them write better copy for landing pages and product descriptions and more intriguing and engaging social media posts.

Lavender, a real-time AI Email Coach, is widely regarded as a game-changer in the sales industry, helping thousands of SDRs, AEs, and managers improve their email response rates and productivity. Competitive sales environments make effective communication skills crucial to success. Startups may capitalize on the competition by using Lavender to boost their email response rate and forge deeper relationships with prospective customers.

Speak is a speech-to-text software driven by artificial intelligence that makes it simple for academics and marketers to transform linguistic data into useful insights without custom programming. Startups can acquire an edge and strengthen customer relationships by transcribing user interviews, sales conversations, and product reviews. In addition, they can examine rivals’ material to spot trends in keywords and topics and use this information to their advantage. In addition, marketing groups can utilize speech-to-text transcription to make videos and audio recordings more accessible and generate written material that is search engine optimization (SEO) friendly and can be used in various contexts.  

Recently, GitHub released an AI tool called GitHub Copilot, which can translate natural language questions into code recommendations in dozens of languages. This artificial intelligence (AI) tool was trained on billions of lines of code using OpenAI Codex to detect patterns in the code and make real-time, in-editor suggestions of code that implement full functionalities. A startup’s code quality, issue fixes, and feature deliveries can all benefit greatly from using GitHub Copilot. Moreover, GitHub Copilot enables developers to be more productive and efficient by handling the mundane aspects of coding so that they can concentrate on the bigger picture.

For faster hiring across all industries and geographies, businesses can turn to Olivia, a conversational recruiting tool developed by Paradox. This AI-powered conversational interface may be used for candidate screening, FAQs, interview scheduling, and new hire onboarding. With Olivia, entrepreneurs may locate qualified people for even the most technical positions and reclaim the hours spent on administrative activities.

Lumen5 is a marketing team-focused video production platform that allows for developing high-quality videos with zero technical requirements. Lumen5 uses Machine Learning to automate video editing, allowing users to quickly and easily produce high-quality videos. Startups can quickly and easily create high-quality films for social media, advertising, and thought leadership with the help of the platform’s built-in media library, which provides access to millions of stock footage, photographs, and music tracks. In addition, AI can help firms swiftly convert blog entries to videos or Zoom recordings into interesting snippets for other marketing channels.

Spellbook is an artificial intelligence (AI) tool that leverages OpenAI’s GPT-3 to review and recommend language for your contracts without you having to leave the comfort of a Word document. It was trained on billions of lines of legal text. This artificial intelligence tool can be used by startups in drafting and reviewing agreements and external contracts to identify aggressive words, list missing clauses and definitions, and red flag flags. Spellbook can also generate new clauses and recommend common topics of negotiation based on the agreement’s context.

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing app that flags and corrects grammar errors as you type. A machine learning algorithm trained on a massive dataset of documents containing known faults drives the system. Enter your content (or copy and paste it) into Grammarly, and the program will check it for mistakes. Furthermore, the program “reads” the mood of your work and makes suggestions accordingly. You can choose to consider the recommendations or not. As an AI tool, Grammarly automates a process that previously required human intervention (in this case, proofreading). Use an AI writing checker like Grammarly, and you’ll save yourself a ton of time.

Chatbots are one of the most well-known uses of artificial intelligence. Computer programs called “chatbots” attempt to pass as humans in online conversations. They process user input using NLP algorithms that enable them to respond appropriately. From assisting customers to promoting products, chatbots have many potential applications. Chatbots on websites and mobile apps have increased in recent years to provide constant help to customers. Whether answering basic questions or solving complex problems, chatbots are up to the challenge. In addition, businesses can use them to make suggestions to customers, such as offering related items or services.

Keeping track of customer support inquiries can take time and effort, especially for smaller organizations. Zendesk is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered platform for managing customer assistance. Zendesk goes above and beyond the capabilities of chatbots by discovering trends and patterns in customer service inquiries. Useful metrics are automatically gathered, such as typical response times and most often encountered issues. It also finds the most popular articles in your knowledge base so you can prioritize linking to them. An intuitive dashboard displays all this information for a bird’s-eye view of your customer service.

Timely is an AI-powered calendar app that will revolutionize how you schedule your day. It integrates with your regular software to make tracking time easier for your business. Track your team’s efficiency, identify time-consuming tasks, and understand how your company spends its resources. Timely is a fantastic tool for increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of your team. You can see how your staff spends their time in real-time and adjust workflows accordingly.

If you own an online store, you understand the ongoing threat of fraud. Companies lose billions of dollars annually to credit card fraud, which can also hurt your reputation. Through the analysis of client behavior patterns, fraud can be prevented with the help of AI. Machine learning algorithms are used by businesses like aiReflex to sift through client data in search of signs of fraud. It would be impractical and time-consuming to inspect every transaction manually. However, this can be automated with the help of AI, which will keep an eye on all of your financial dealings and flag anything that looks fishy. Your company will be safe from fraudulent activity if you take this precaution.

Murf is an artificial intelligence–powered text-to-speech tool. It has a wide range of applications, from speech generation for corporate training to use in audiobook and podcast production. It is a highly flexible tool that may also be used for voiceovers in promotional videos or infomercials. Murf is a wonderful option if you need to generate a speech but don’t have the funds to hire a professional voice actor. Choosing a realistic-sounding voice from their more than 120 options in 20 languages is easy. Their studio is easy to use, and you may incorporate audio, video, and still photographs into your production. As a bonus, you have complete command over the rate, pitch, and intonation of your recording, allowing you to mimic the performance of a trained voice actor.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a massive language model built on the GPT-3.5 framework. It can produce logical and appropriate answers to various inquiries because it has been trained on large text data. Because ChatGPT can automate customer care and support, it has helped startups provide 24/7 help without hiring a huge customer service department. For instance, the Indian food delivery firm Swiggy has used ChatGPT to enhance customer service and shorten response times, resulting in happier and more loyal customers.

Google’s Bard uses the Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA) as an artificially intelligent chatbot and content-generating tool. Its sophisticated communication abilities have been of great use to new businesses. New companies have used Bard to improve their software development, content creation, and customer service. For example, virtual assistant startup Robin AI has implemented Bard to boost customer service and answer quality. Startups can now provide more tailored and interesting user experiences because of Bard’s intelligent and context-aware dialogue production, increasing customer satisfaction and revenue.

Small business owners and founders often need persuasive presentations to win over investors and new clientele. Create great presentations without spending hours in PowerPoint or Slides by using The software will automatically generate engaging slides from the data you provide, like text and graphics. Over 60 editable slide templates and multiple presentation layouts are available on Try it out and see if it helps you make a better impression.

If you want to reach millennials and other young people with short attention spans, you need to have a presence on TikTok and Instagram. Dumme is a useful tool for extracting key moments from longer videos and podcasts to make shorts (short videos to share on social media). You may use Dumme to pick the best moments from any video or audio you post to use them in short. It will automatically create a short video with a title, description, and captions suitable for sharing online. Making a short video for sharing on social media can be done without spending hours in front of a computer.

The Open AI-backed firm Cohere Generate created the language AI platform. It helps organizations and startups save time and effort in creating large-scale, personalized text content. It employs NLP and machine learning algorithms to develop content that fits with the brand’s voice and tone. Use this tool to boost your startup’s online visibility, expand your reach, and strengthen your content marketing strategy.

Synthesia is a cutting-edge video synthesis platform that has been a huge boon to the video production efforts of new businesses. It uses artificial intelligence to eliminate the need for costly and time-consuming video shoots by fusing a human performer’s facial emotions and lip movements with the audio. To improve their advertising campaigns, product presentations, and customer onboarding procedures, startups may use Synthesia to create tailored video content at scale. For instance, entrepreneurs can produce multilingual, locally adapted videos or dynamic video ads with little to no more work. Synthesia gives young companies the tools to reach more people at a lower cost per unit while still delivering high-quality content.

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