Meta AI’s Two New Endeavors for Fairness in Computer Vision: Introducing License for DINOv2 and Releasing FACET

In the ever-evolving field of computer vision, a pressing concern is the imperative to ensure fairness. This narrative illuminates the vast potential residing in AI technology, particularly within computer vision, where it stands as a catalyst for transformative breakthroughs across diverse sectors, from maintaining ecological preservation efforts to facilitating groundbreaking scientific exploration. Yet, it remains unabashedly honest about the inherent risks entangled with this technology’s rise.

Researchers from Meta AI emphasize the crucial equilibrium that must be struck—a harmonious balance between the rapid cadence of innovation and the conscientious development practices that emerge as necessary. These practices are not merely a choice but a vital shield against the potential harm this technology may inadvertently inflict upon historically marginalized communities.

Meta AI researchers have charted a comprehensive roadmap in response to this multifaceted challenge. They commence by making DINOv2, an advanced computer vision model forged through the crucible of self-supervised learning, accessible to a broader audience under the open-source Apache 2.0 license. DINOv2, short for Data-Efficient Image Neural Network Version 2, represents a significant leap in computer vision models. It harnesses self-supervised learning techniques to create universal features, enabling it to understand and interpret images in a highly versatile manner.

DINOv2’s capabilities extend beyond traditional image classification. It excels in many tasks, including semantic image segmentation, where it accurately identifies object boundaries and segments images into meaningful regions, and monocular depth estimation, allowing it to perceive the spatial depth of objects within an image. This versatility makes DINOv2 a powerhouse for computer vision applications.This expansion in accessibility empowers developers and researchers to harness the formidable capabilities of DINOv2 across an extensive spectrum of applications, pushing the frontiers of computer vision innovation even further.

The crux of Meta’s commitment to fairness within computer vision unfolds with the introduction of FACET (FAirness in Computer Vision Evaluation). FACET is a monumental benchmark dataset comprising a staggering 32,000 images featuring approximately 50,000 individuals. However, what distinguishes FACET is the meticulous annotation of expert human annotators. These experts have labored to annotate the dataset meticulously, categorizing it across multiple dimensions. This includes demographic attributes such as perceived gender presentation, age group, and physical attributes encompassing perceived skin tone and hairstyle. Remarkably, FACET introduces person-related classes, spanning diverse occupations like “basketball player” and “doctor.” The dataset further extends its utility by including labels for 69,000 masks, enhancing its significance for research purposes.

Initial explorations employing FACET have already brought to light disparities in the performance of cutting-edge models across different demographic groups. For instance, these models frequently encounter challenges in accurately detecting individuals with darker skin tones or those with coily hair, unveiling latent biases that warrant meticulous scrutiny.

In performance evaluations using FACET, state-of-the-art models have exhibited performance disparities across demographic groups. For instance, models may struggle to detect individuals with darker skin tones, exacerbated for individuals with coily hair. These disparities underscore the need to evaluate and mitigate bias in computer vision models thoroughly.

Although designed primarily for research evaluation and not intended for training purposes, FACET has the potential to emerge as the preeminent standard for assessing fairness within computer vision models. It sets the stage for in-depth, nuanced examinations of fairness in AI, transcending conventional demographic attributes to incorporate person-related classes.

In summation, the Meta article amplifies the clarion call regarding fairness issues within computer vision while shedding light on the performance disparities uncovered by FACET. Meta’s methodology involves expanding access to advanced models like DINOv2 and introducing a pioneering benchmark dataset. This multifaceted approach underscores their unwavering commitment to fostering innovation while upholding ethical standards and mitigating equity issues. It highlights their relentless dedication to responsible development, charting a course toward attaining an equitable AI landscape—one where technology is harnessed for the betterment of all.

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Meta AI’s Two New Endeavors for Fairness in Computer Vision: Introducing License for DINOv2 and Releasing FACET Read More »

Top AI Email Assistants (September 2023)

Artificial intelligence email assistants have made writing an email quicker and easier. Automatic task completion, message prioritization, and prompt, insightful answers are just how AI email assistants may ease the burden of managing your inbox. As a result, users can direct their attention to the most pressing emails and get more done in less time. Automated email helpers powered by AI may also write and send messages on your behalf.

People from many walks of life—from harried office workers and company owners to sole proprietors and students—use artificial intelligence and email helpers. AI email assistants are a great way for professionals with full schedules to stay on top of their inboxes and avoid missing crucial messages. AI email assistants are a time- and labor-saving tool for entrepreneurs and company owners. Using an AI email assistant is a great way for students to keep organized and in touch with their professors.

In this article, we’ll contrast some popular AI email assistants. 

SaneBox’s A.I. identifies important emails and automatically organizes the rest to help you stay focused. SaneBox utilizes intelligent AI algorithms to analyze your email behavior. It learns from your past interactions to identify important emails, declutters your inbox by moving less important messages into a separate folder, and aggregates newsletters and social media notifications in another. In essence, it turns chaos into order, streamlining your digital correspondence.

Boost your Gmail productivity with AI and powerful automation tools.  InboxPro is an all-in-one solution that helps you close more sales and improve customer support

Lavender is an AI-powered email assistant that has already helped thousands of retailers across the globe improve the quality and speed with which they respond to customers through email. Lavender is not a public advertising firm but rather a private one. It’s able to function and enhance the website because of cookies. Cookies allow the site’s fundamental functionality, such as logging in securely or customizing your consent settings. Features like social media sharing, feedback collections, and other third-party integrations rely on functional cookies to function properly. Analytical cookies collect data on variables like the number of visits, the bounce rate, the traffic source, and more to gain insight into the behavior of website users.

Missive is an intelligent email helper with several useful tools for keeping teams well-organized. Recently, it has made it possible to include OpenAI’s GPT technology. This allows Missive to translate messages or modify the tone of an email without the user having to leave the app, depending on the interaction context. Users may also use prompts to tailor the AI code to their requirements. Improving the quality of contact with customers is a primary goal of this integration, partly achieved by feeding the AI company-specific data to enhance its capacity to provide appropriate replies.

Superflows is an AI-powered email assistant that helps customers deal with their inboxes faster by offering pre-written, contextually-relevant responses that can be accessed with a single click. Intelligently created responses to incoming emails include calendar links and other pertinent information for personalization. This allows users to quickly react to emails without copying and pasting data from other sources.

The Superhuman interface’s intuitive and quick nature is largely due to its numerous time-saving features, such as keyboard shortcuts and robust search capabilities. Superhuman’s innovative AI-powered inbox organization function is a game-changer for busy professionals. Its AI engine learns which messages are most important to the user and prioritizes displaying them at the front of the inbox. The company also provides individual coaching and training to ensure that each user gets the most out of their time with Superhuman.

Emails may be responded to in various ways, giving users more leeway in making the best choice possible. Scribbly is an AI-powered email assistant that helps busy professionals save time and communicate more effectively by suggesting relevant material based on the email’s context. With Scribbly’s email drafting feature, users may either offer the email assistant some information to write an email on their behalf or choose an intention that best symbolizes how they wish to reply to the email.

Tugan is an artificial intelligence-based email assistant that companies may use to send informative and promotional messages. Based on the provided URL or topic, Tugan uses AI to generate emails customized to the firm’s specific interests and needs. The recipients may then choose and transmit the messages they enjoyed the best. Professionals, authors, and content producers with limited time will benefit the most from this email helper. Tugan is a newer email helper still in beta compared to others on the market. Plans include the ability to Generate emails in the manner of your favorite business gurus and the production of ad text for Facebook and YouTube.

AI Mailer makes sending high-quality, tailored emails easy for companies and professionals. It employs GPT and NLP tech to generate customized, timely replies to consumer emails and develop content aware of its context. With its adaptable interface and built-in compatibility for several languages, it’s designed for ease of use. Students and professionals may use it to enhance their email communication, and customer service teams can use it to speed up responses and customize client interactions.

Nanonets has released an advanced LLM-based email writer suited for business communication. Businesses that seek to improve their conversion rates via targeted email marketing should use this tool. It allows for sending highly customized emails in large-scale sales and marketing email campaigns and boasts excellent email quality and support for every possible use case. Companies may automate the email writing process using Nanonets’ email writer to guarantee high-quality, customized emails that connect with consumers. 

Using sophisticated natural language processing, Flowrite, an AI-powered writing helper, can produce high-quality email content in seconds. The fact that it can make human-sounding, tailored email content is its main selling feature. is an artificial intelligence copywriting tool that employs cutting-edge natural language processing to aid businesses in writing engaging email copy that reaches their intended audience. The fact that it can produce original and interesting email content in a matter of seconds, all while maintaining a genuine, conversational tone, is its main selling point.

The artificial intelligence AI) behind Phrasee makes writing engaging subject lines and body text for marketing emails easy. Its USP is that it uses sophisticated machine learning algorithms to evaluate audience behavior and reaction and then optimizes email campaigns for maximum engagement and conversion.

Crystal is an AI-driven writing helper that uses NLP to produce engaging email messages. Data-driven insights are used to create content specific to the recipient’s personality and preferred method of communication, making the message more relevant and enticing.

BEE Pro, an AI-powered email design tool, employs natural language processing to create aesthetically appealing and interesting email content. Its main selling point is that it allows businesses to cheaply and quickly send large numbers of professionally designed emails without needing in-house designers or expensive outsourcing.

Sender is an email marketing platform using AI and NLP to improve user click-through and conversion rates. Its powerful machine learning techniques to evaluate user behavior and reaction make it stand out from the competition and streamline every stage of the email marketing process, from concept to delivery to analysis.

The Persado platform is an AI-driven copywriting tool that employs natural language generation to write effective email newsletters. Its USP is that it uses sophisticated machine learning algorithms to evaluate audience behavior and reaction and produce content that connects with the target audience, hence optimizing email campaigns for maximum engagement and conversion.

Automizy is an artificial intelligence AI-driven email marketing platform that uses NLP to automate the email marketing process. Its USP is that it uses data-driven insights and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to optimize email campaigns for optimum engagement and conversion, therefore delivering highly relevant and tailored content to the intended audience.

Polymail is an automated email marketing tool using natural language processing and artificial intelligence. Its competitive edge is that it can produce customized and relevant email content using sophisticated machine learning algorithms to study audience behavior and reaction.

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Meet AnomalyGPT: A Novel IAD Approach Based on Large Vision-Language Models (LVLM) to Detect Industrial Anomalies

On various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5 and LLaMA have displayed outstanding performance. The capacity of LLMs to interpret visual information has more recently been expanded by cutting-edge techniques like MiniGPT-4, BLIP-2, and PandaGPT by aligning visual aspects with text features, ushering in a huge shift in the field of artificial general intelligence (AGI). The potential of LVLMs in IAD tasks is constrained even though they have been pre-trained on large amounts of data obtained from the Internet. Additionally, their domain-specific knowledge is only moderately developed, and they need more sensitivity to local features inside objects. The IAD assignment tries to find and pinpoint abnormalities in photographs of industrial products. 

Models must be trained only on normal samples to identify anomalous samples that depart from normal samples since real-world examples are uncommon and unpredictable. Most current IAD systems only offer anomaly scores for test samples and ask for manually defining criteria to tell apart normal from anomalous instances for each class of objects, making them unsuitable for actual production settings. Researchers from Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Objecteye Inc., and Wuhan AI Research present AnomalyGPT, a unique IAD methodology based on LVLM, as shown in Figure 1, as neither existing IAD approaches nor LVLMs can adequately handle the IAD problem. Without requiring manual threshold adjustments, AnomalyGPT can identify anomalies and their locations. 

Figure 1 shows a comparison of our AnomalyGPT with existing IAD techniques and LVLMs.

Additionally, their approach may offer picture information and promote interactive interaction, allowing users to pose follow-up queries depending on their requirements and responses. With just a few normal samples, AnomalyGPT can also learn in context, allowing for quick adjustment to new objects. They optimize the LVLM using synthesized anomalous visual-textual data and incorporating IAD expertise. Direct training using IAD data, however, needs to be improved. Data scarcity is the first. Pre-trained on 160k photos with associated multi-turn conversations, including techniques like LLaVA and PandaGPT. However, the small sample sizes of the IAD datasets currently available make direct fine-tuning vulnerable to overfitting and catastrophic forgetting.

To fix this, they fine-tune the LVLM using prompt embeddings rather than parameter fine-tuning. After picture inputs, more prompt embeddings are inserted, adding additional IAD information to the LVLM. The second difficulty has to do with fine-grained semantics. They suggest a simple, visual-textual feature-matching-based decoder to get pixel-level anomaly localization findings. The decoder’s outputs are made available to the LVLM and the original test pictures through prompt embeddings. This enables the LVLM to use both the raw image and the decoder’s outputs to identify anomalies, increasing the precision of its judgments. On the MVTec-AD and VisA databases, they undertake comprehensive experiments. 

They attain an accuracy of 93.3%, an image-level AUC of 97.4%, and a pixel-level AUC of 93.1% with unsupervised training on the MVTec-AD dataset. They attain an accuracy of 77.4%, an image-level AUC of 87.4%, and a pixel-level AUC of 96.2% when one shot is transferred to the VisA dataset. On the other hand, one-shot transfer to the MVTec-AD dataset following unsupervised training on the VisA dataset produced an accuracy of 86.1%, an image-level AUC of 94.1%, and a pixel-level AUC of 95.3%. 

The following is a summary of their contributions: 

• They present the innovative use of LVLM for handling IAD duty. Their approach facilitates multi-round discussions and detects and localizes anomalies without manually adjusting thresholds. Their work’s lightweight, visual-textual feature-matching-based decoder addresses the limitation of the LLM’s weaker discernment of fine-grained semantics. It alleviates the constraint of LLM’s restricted ability to generate text outputs. To their knowledge, they are the first to apply LVLM to industrial anomaly detection successfully. 

• To preserve the LVLM’s intrinsic capabilities and enable multi-turn conversations, they train their model concurrently with the data used during LVLM pre-training and use prompt embeddings for fine-tuning. 

• Their approach maintains strong transferability and can do in-context few-shot learning on new datasets, producing excellent results.

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This AI Research Paper Presents a Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning for Visual Localization and Mapping

If I ask you, “Where are you now?’” or “What do your surroundings look like?” you will immediately be able to answer owing to a unique ability known as multisensory perception in humans that allows you to perceive your motion and your surrounding environment ensuring you have complete spatial awareness. But think as if the same question is posed to a robot: how would it approach the challenge? 

The issue is if this robot does not have a map, it cannot know where it is, and if it does not know what its surroundings look like, neither can it create a map. Essentially, making this a ‘who came first, chicken or egg?’ problem which in the machine learning world in this context is termed as a localization and mapping problem. 

“Localization” is the capability to acquire internal system information related to a robot’s motion, including its position, orientation, and speed. On the other hand, “mapping” pertains to the ability to perceive external environmental conditions, encompassing aspects such as the shape of the surroundings, their visual characteristics, and semantic attributes. These functions can operate independently, with one focused on internal states and the other on external conditions, or they can work together as a single system known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM).

The existing challenges with algorithms such as image-based relocalization, visual odometry, and SLAM include imperfect sensor measurements, dynamic scenes, adverse lighting conditions, and real-world constraints that somewhat hinder their practical implementation. The image above demonstrates how individual modules can be integrated into a deep learning-based SLAM system. This piece of research presents a comprehensive survey on how deep learning-based approaches and traditional approaches and simultaneously answers two essential questions:

Is deep learning promising for visual localization and mapping?

Researchers believe three properties listed below could make deep learning a unique direction for a general-purpose SLAM system in the future. 

First, deep learning offers powerful perception tools that can be integrated into the visual SLAM front end to extract features in challenging areas for odometry estimation or relocalization and provide dense depth for mapping. 

Second, deep learning empowers robots with advanced comprehension and interaction capabilities. Neural networks excel at bridging abstract concepts with human-understandable terms, like labeling scene semantics within a mapping or SLAM systems, which are typically challenging to describe using formal mathematical methods.

Finally, learning methods allow SLAM systems or individual localization/mapping algorithms to learn from experience and actively exploit new information for self-learning. 

How can deep learning be applied to solve the problem of visual localization and mapping?

Deep learning is a versatile tool for modeling various aspects of SLAM and individual localization/mapping algorithms. For instance, it can be employed to create end-to-end neural network models that directly estimate pose from images. It is particularly beneficial in handling challenging conditions like featureless areas, dynamic lighting, and motion blur, where conventional modeling methods may struggle.

Deep learning is used to solve association problems in SLAM. It aids in relocalization, semantic mapping, and loop-closure detection by connecting images to maps, labeling pixels semantically, and recognizing relevant scenes from previous visits.

Deep learning is leveraged to discover features relevant to the task of interest automatically. By exploiting prior knowledge, e.g., the geometry constraints, a self-learning framework can automatically be set up for SLAM to update parameters based on input images. 

It may be pointed out that deep learning techniques rely on large, accurately labeled datasets to extract meaningful patterns but may have difficulty generalizing to unfamiliar environments. These models lack interpretability, often functioning as black boxes. Additionally, localization and mapping systems can be computationally intensive while highly parallelizable unless model compression techniques are applied.

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Unlocking the Power of Diversity in Neural Networks: How Adaptive Neurons Outperform Homogeneity in Image Classification and Nonlinear Regression

A neural network is a method in artificial intelligence that teaches computers to process data in a way inspired by the human brain. It uses interconnected nodes or neurons in a layered structure that resembles the human brain. Artificial neurons are arranged into layers to form neural networks, which are used for various tasks such as pattern recognition, classification, regression, and more. These neurons form solid connections by altering numerical weights and biases throughout training sessions.

Despite the advancements of these neural networks, they have a limitation. They are made up of a large number of neurons of similar types. The number and strength of connections between those identical neurons can change till the network learns. However, once the network is optimized, these fixed connections define its architecture and functioning, which cannot be changed.

Consequently, the researchers have developed a method that can enhance the abilities of artificial intelligence. It allows artificial intelligence to look inward at its structure and fine-tune its neural network. Studies have shown that diversifying the activation functions can overcome limitations and enable the model to work efficiently.

They tested AI on diversity. William Ditto, professor of physics at North Carolina State University and director of NC State’s Nonlinear Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (NAIL), said that they have created a test system with a non-human intelligence, anartificial intelligence(AI), to see if the AI would choose diversity over the lack of diversity and if its choice would improve the performance of the AI. Further, he said that the key was allowing the AI to look inward and learn how it learns.

Neural networks that allow neurons to learn their activation functions autonomously tend to exhibit rapid diversification and perform better than their homogeneous counterparts in tasks such as image classification and nonlinear regression. On the other hand, Ditto’s team granted their AI the ability to autonomously determine the count, configuration, and connection strengths among neurons in its neural network. This approach allowed the creation of sub-networks composed of various neuron types and connection strengths within the network as it learned.

Ditto said that they gave AI the ability to look inward and decide whether it needed to modify the composition of its neural network. Essentially, they gave it the control knob for its brain. So, it can solve the problem, look at the result, and change the type and mixture of artificial neurons until it finds the most advantageous one. He called it meta-learning for AI. Their AI could also decide between diverse or homogenous neurons. He further said that they found that the AI chose diversity in every instance to strengthen its performance.

The researchers tested the system on a standard numerical classifying task and found that the system’s accuracy increased with the increase in neurons and diversity. The researchers said the homogeneous AI achieved an accuracy rate of 57% in number identification, whereas the meta-learning, diverse AI achieved an impressive 70% accuracy.

The researchers said that in the future, they might focus on improving the performance by optimizing learned diversity by adjusting hyperparameters. Additionally, they will apply the acquired diversity to a broader spectrum of regression and classification tasks, diversify the neural networks, and evaluate their robustness and performance across various scenarios.

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Unlocking the Power of Diversity in Neural Networks: How Adaptive Neurons Outperform Homogeneity in Image Classification and Nonlinear Regression Read More »

Top AI-Based Art Inpainting Tools

Artificial intelligence picture inpainting is a computer vision approach for restoring images that have been damaged or missing details. In addition to fixing outdated or damaged photos, it may also be used to crop out distracting backgrounds or even create entirely new images. Several artificial intelligence (AI) picture inpainting programs are already on the market, all capable of producing astonishing results when applied to image editing. Using AI image inpainting tools can be helpful because of how much time and effort they can save you during editing. Artificial intelligence algorithms can automatically edit photographs by adding missing pixels or removing undesired objects, saving you hours of tedious work. Professional photographers and graphic designers can benefit greatly from this as they often deal with many photographs under strict time constraints.

Artificial intelligence (AI) image inpainting techniques are a major advantage for more precise and natural-looking edits. These programs use sophisticated machine learning algorithms to examine the surrounding pixels of an image and then build realistic fills that perfectly match the original’s style. A more expert finish to your photographs is possible with this method. Artificial intelligence (AI) picture inpainting tools provide many advantages over more conventional means of photo editing and allow you to quickly and easily produce professional-quality results.

Here are some of the best tools in inpainting

Create gorgeous photographs with minimal effort using Fotor’s AI-powered image inpainting tool. Inpainting stable diffusion techniques, the backbone of this feature, make it simple for users to alter images by adding or erasing details. The AI inpainter allows you to create stunning and lifelike effects by brushing over the desired area and providing the necessary instructions. Fotor’s artificial intelligence image inpainting tool allows for limitless experimentation and entertainment. Brushing over your pet’s head and following the prompts to select the desired element will enable you to customize its appearance with various realistic accessories. Using the AI photo filler, users may make funny and interesting pictures to show off to friends and family.

Nvidia has introduced Image Inpainting, a groundbreaking advancement in artificially intelligent image modification. This software is poised to revolutionize the photo editing process using NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning algorithms. Images can be edited without noticeable gaps thanks to Image Inpainting’s intelligent retouching brush. This state-of-the-art system uses NVIDIA GPUs (graphics processing units) to provide unprecedented speed and precision. Image Inpainting is a very straightforward program to use. Users must first select and upload an image, resize it, and position it in the middle of the screen using their mouse. The uploaded image will be automatically cropped and zoomed once the proper placement has been determined. Select “Apply Model” to see the finalized image after you’ve masked out the unwanted parts of the image with the smart retouching brush in Step 2. The deep learning algorithms ensure the image’s new detail blends perfectly with the old one.

The revolutionary Classace Inpaint Image Generator is now available to the public, and it has the potential to revolutionize the image editing industry completely. Software like Classace Inpaint Image Generator easily incorporates a custom prompt into an existing picture. It is easy to use and eliminates the learning curve associated with other picture-altering methods. Select an image to work from, then outline the regions you wish to change by drawing a mask. Once the front is in place, the user can paint over the white areas to indicate what needs to be changed or the prompt. The program will then give the user several options for the optimal outcome. This cutting-edge app helps you save time and produces stunning results with photos that look entirely real. Because of this, it is highly recommended for both experienced photographers and novice digital artists. Classace Inpaint Image Generator is free for all Class Ace members, which sets it apart from the competition. This attractive deal is especially appealing because it allows users to try the AI tool for free up to four times daily. 

This marks the first time an Adobe Firefly feature has been integrated directly into one of Adobe’s Creative Suite programs, and the announcement of Generative Fill’s incorporation into Photoshop is a big deal. Generative Fill is Adobe’s AI tool for editing photos, and it uses the company’s creative AI model family, Firefly, to let users effortlessly add, extend, or remove information with just a few language commands. This new feature simplifies the Photoshop workflow and opens up new creative avenues. Since its release six weeks ago, Firefly has proven its worth inside Adobe’s AI portfolio by producing over 100 million assets during beta. Firefly can potentially speed up creative processes and design workflows thanks to its flexibility and agility. The sophisticated capabilities of Generative Fill allow for the flawless integration of produced and original content through the precise matching of perspective, lighting, and style. With this updated feature, artists may quickly experiment with different looks without permanently altering the original file. Generative Fill allows users to quickly and easily generate high-quality material by fusing the speed and simplicity of generative AI with the precision and power of Photoshop. Adobe’s Content Credentials system may be used to determine if a computer or a human-made piece of work is compatible with Generative Fill. To guarantee honesty about the content’s authorship and provenance, “nutrition labels” like Content Credentials are used in the digital sphere.

Recently, Midjourney released their much-anticipated Inpainting tool, which is meant to streamline the editing process. The ability to edit individual pixels in created photos is a novel capability that previously required either third-party software or expert Photoshop knowledge. To get the necessary results, users often re-generated their photos several times or used a lengthy generative loop before the Inpainting tool was introduced. The Inpainting feature streamlines and simplifies the editing process by fixing these problems. Quickly and easily modify photographs to your liking without learning complex software, all with the Inpainting tool. To change a specific section of an enlarged image, users need only press the “Vary (Region)” button, choose the region in question, and describe it in detail.

Infinite potential in the fields of art, photography, and illustration is at your fingertips with the help of Dream Studio Image Inpainting and its cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, StableDiffusion. Dream Studio’s robust set of tools makes exploring, designing, and refining user-generated content simple and accurate. The newest StableDiffusion model, SDXL, grants you early access to cutting-edge improvements and enhancements. In Generate Mode, users can easily bring their ideas to life with the help of a wide variety of image-generating choices, such as StableDiffusion, a cutting-edge generative model. Artists now have unprecedented control over the final product thanks to advancements in text-to-image, image-to-image, and style-transfer technologies. With DS Edit, users can take their artwork to new heights, thanks to a better canvas that lets them work on numerous photos simultaneously. With robust inpainting and outpainting capabilities, artists can manipulate their creations however they see fit.

Pincel App is a free, web-based photo editor with numerous features for altering and perfecting digital photographs. The Inpaint tool in the Pincel App is among its most potent parts. The Inpaint feature can fix damaged photos or eliminate distracting elements. The system can restore the missing area by assessing the surrounding pixels and filling them in accordingly. The Inpaint feature excels in erasing unwanted aspects, no matter how intricate or numerous they may be. Select the region of the image you wish to edit before applying the Inpaint filter. After that, select the Inpaint option. Using the Inpaint tool will take care of the removal and filling in for you. Afterward, you can tweak the Inpaint tool’s settings for more precise adjustments. The Inpaint tool is a powerful removal tool that may be used to fix a wide range of image flaws. It can be used to set portraits with imperfections like wrinkles or blemishes. It may also be used to eliminate unwanted watermarks from photos and eliminate unwanted objects from product photos.

Machine learning algorithms are at the heart of Starry AI, an AI-based picture restoration application that can bring your old, damaged photos to life. Starry AI can smoothly restore damaged images to their original quality by evaluating neighboring pixels and patterns to recreate missing image sections. Starry AI employs cutting-edge artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms to fix broken or missing photos. Starry AI automates photo restoration, which previously required tedious human intervention. Starry AI makes repairing damaged photographs, paintings, and relics from the past simple. Due to its excellent accuracy, efficiency, and user-friendly interface, Starry AI is one of the greatest AI picture inpainting tools available, making it appropriate for various image restoration projects. However, it might not be up to the task of extensive restoration and might need to be more flexible for expert users. Starry AI is an excellent option for image restoration thanks to its sophisticated machine-learning algorithms and intuitive UI.

Deep Dream is an artificial intelligence (AI) based image inpainting application unlike any other, capable of producing beautifully surrealistic visuals through the use of deep learning algorithms. Deep Dream is a one-of-a-kind program people and businesses utilize to fix and improve their images. But how does it function? So, Deep Dream uses a neural network that has been taught to identify specific characteristics of images. It takes an input image, parses out its constituent parts, and then attempts to boost or amplify particular features so that the resulting image is a blend of the original and the improved elements. The end product is a surreal scene unlike anything you’ve seen. You should check out Deep Dream to learn more about AI-based image restoration. It’s impressive software and its use of deep learning algorithms to produce strange visuals will leave an indelible impact. To that end, Deep Dream is an innovative and potent AI image inpainting tool capable of creating spectacular and surrealistic visuals. 

Hotpot AI is a cutting-edge image restoration application that uses deep learning algorithms to bring your damaged photographs to life. Hotpot AI, created by researchers at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, is the tool of choice for creative professionals, including photographers, artists, and designers. The software can determine what a picture’s missing or damaged areas should look like by examining the surrounding pixels. The resultant forecast is then expertly mixed with the rest of the image to make it appear natural. Hotpot AI uses cutting-edge deep learning algorithms to generate high-quality image fills faithful to the source. Hotpot AI is great for experts and novices because of its intuitive interface and speedy output. Just upload your photograph and select the area you’d like Hotpot AI to fix. Restoration may be fine-tuned within the software, allowing you full creative control over the end effect. Create great pictures for your website or social media with Hotpot AI, whether you want to repair old family photos, fix imperfections in product images, or both.

With the help of Deep Art’s AI-powered tools, anyone, regardless of their artistic ability, may produce stunning images online. Its ease of use and wide range of potential applications make it appealing to a large audience. Deep Art’s AI picture inpainting gives users access to a wide variety of painting techniques, expanding the spectrum of their artistic expression. The platform’s autonomous processing capabilities ensure the seamless transition of the artwork. Its high-powered AI image processing technology improves the quality and aesthetic appeal of the end product. Deep Art provides a remarkable interface, yet it has its drawbacks. Image quality is limited to 500×500 for free users, which may need to be improved for some people. It could also be a while before obtaining the final, processed photographs. Users should also ensure a consistent internet connection for best results.

Inpainting with artificial intelligence is only one of the many uses for Adobe Photoshop, a robust picture editor. Artificial intelligence (AI) art inpainting is restoring or replacing visual details using AI. Photoshop’s many useful capabilities make it an excellent program for computer-generated inpainting of artwork. Features such as these The artificial intelligence (AI) behind the function known as “Content-Aware Fill” is what makes it possible to seamlessly and realistically fill in any gaps in an image. The image flaws or undesired items can be removed with the help of the Healing Brush tool. To complete an edit, it takes pixels from its surroundings and seamlessly incorporates them into the original image. Like the Healing Brush, the Patch Tool can fill in damaged picture sections but can handle much larger patches. The image’s pixels can be copied from one location and pasted into another using the Clone Stamp Tool. The first step in using Photoshop for inpainting in AI art is to choose the area of the image you wish to inpaint. Fill in the blank with one of the methods above. Alternatively, you might employ a mixture of methods to achieve your goals. You can tweak the settings for optimal results when you’re done inpainting. Image effects like blurring and sharpening can be applied as well.

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Microsoft Researchers Propose Open-Vocabulary Responsible Visual Synthesis (ORES) with the Two-Stage Intervention Framework

Visual synthesis models may produce increasingly realistic visuals thanks to the advancement of large-scale model training. Responsible AI has grown more crucial due to the increased potential for using synthesized pictures, particularly to eliminate specific visual elements during syntheses, such as racism, sexual discrimination, and nudity. But for two fundamental reasons, responsible visual synthesis is a very difficult undertaking. First, for the synthesized pictures to comply with the administrators’ standards, words like “Bill Gates” and “Microsoft’s founder” must not appear. Second, the non-prohibited portions of a user’s inquiry should be accurately synthesized to meet the user’s criteria. 

Existing responsible visual synthesis techniques may be divided into three main categories to solve the problems mentioned above: refining inputs, refining outputs, and refining models. The first strategy, refining inputs, concentrates on pre-processing user queries to adhere to administrator demands, such as building a blacklist to filter out objectionable items. In an environment with an open vocabulary, it is challenging for the blacklist to ensure the total eradication of all undesirable items. The second method, refining outputs, entails post-processing created movies to adhere to administrator rules, for instance, by identifying and removing Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW) content to guarantee the output’s suitability. 

It is difficult to identify open-vocabulary visual ideas with this technique, which depends on a filtering model that has been pre-trained on certain concepts. The third strategy, refining models, tries to fine-tune the model as a whole or a specific component to understand and meet the administrator’s criteria, improving the model’s capacity to follow the intended guidelines and provide material consistent with the specified rules and regulations. However, the biases in tuning data frequently place restrictions on these techniques, making it challenging to reach open-vocabulary capabilities. This raises the following issue: How can administrators effectively forbid the creation of arbitrary visual ideas by achieving open vocabulary responsible for visual synthesis? For instance, a user may request to produce “Microsoft’s founder is drinking wine in a pub” in Figure 1. 

 Figure 1. Open-vocabulary responsible visual synthesis

Depending on the geography, context, and usage circumstances, different visual concepts must be avoided for appropriate visual synthesis.

When the administrator enters ideas like “Bill Gates” or “alcohol” as banned, the responsible output should clarify concepts similarly stated in everyday speech. Researchers from Microsoft suggest a new job called Open-vocabulary Responsible Visual Synthesis (ORES) based on the abovementioned observations, where the visual synthesis model can avoid arbitrary visual elements not expressly stated while enabling users to enter the desired information. The Two-stage Intervention (TIN) structure is then introduced. It can successfully synthesize pictures by avoiding certain notions and, as closely as possible, adhering to the user’s inquiry by submitting 1) rewriting with learnable instruction using a large-scale language model (LLM) and 2) synthesizing with rapid intervention on a diffusion synthesis model. 

Under the direction of a learnable query, TIN specifically applies CHATGPT to rewrite the user’s question into a de-risked query. In the intermediate synthesizing stage, TIN intervenes in synthesizing by replacing the user’s query with the de-risked query. They develop a benchmark, associated baseline models, BLACK LIST and NEGATIVE PROMPT, and a publicly accessible dataset. They combine large-scale language models and visual synthesis models. To their knowledge, they are the first to study responsible visual synthesis in an open-vocabulary scenario. 

In the appendix, their code and dataset are accessible to everyone. They made these contributions: 

• With evidence of its viability, they suggest the new job of Open-vocabulary Responsible Visual Synthesis (ORES). They develop a benchmark with appropriate baseline models, establish a publicly accessible dataset, and do so. 

• As a successful remedy for ORES, they provide the Two-stage Intervention (TIN) framework, which entails 

1) Rewriting with learnable teaching via a large-scale language model (LLM) 

2) Synthesizing with quick intervention via a diffusion synthesis model

• Research demonstrates that their approach considerably lowers the chance of unsuitable model development. They demonstrate the LLMs’ capacity for responsible visual synthesis.

Check out the Paper and Github. All Credit For This Research Goes To the Researchers on This Project. Also, don’t forget to join our 29k+ ML SubReddit, 40k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and Email Newsletter, where we share the latest AI research news, cool AI projects, and more.

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A12 Researchers Introduce Satlas: A New AI Platform for Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated by Artificial Intelligence from Satellite Imagery

In a world where timely and accurate geospatial data is crucial for addressing many global challenges, the lack of comprehensive and up-to-date information has been a persistent problem. Manual curation of geospatial data, especially in the realm of renewable energy infrastructure and natural resource monitoring, involves a thorough process of aggregating, cleaning, and correcting datasets from various sources, often across multiple countries. The existing data is often fragmented and lacks the required granularity, leaving decision-makers with incomplete information. This challenge has hindered efforts in emissions reduction, disaster relief, urban planning, and more, where precise geospatial insights are paramount.

While there have been efforts to provide geospatial data, they have often fallen short of providing a comprehensive and up-to-date solution. These attempts at providing geospatial data frequently involve compiling regional datasets, which can be limited in scope and accuracy. Moreover, the rapidly changing landscape of renewable energy infrastructure demands a solution that can keep pace with its expansion, transcending political boundaries and offering a global perspective.

Meet Satlas, the groundbreaking platform introduced by the Allen Institute for AI (AI2). Satlas is set to revolutionize the way we access and utilize global geospatial data generated by cutting-edge AI algorithms applied to satellite imagery. This innovative platform currently offers three invaluable data products: Marine Infrastructure, Renewable Energy Infrastructure, and Tree Cover. These datasets are updated on a monthly basis, ensuring that decision-makers have access to the most current and accurate information available.

The heart of Satlas lies in its utilization of modern deep-learning methods. AI2 has developed high-accuracy deep learning models for each of the geospatial data products. These models are trained to process Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and extract information with accuracy equivalent to human analysis. By applying these models to satellite imagery, Satlas provides an up-to-date global snapshot of each geospatial data product, filling the gap left by manual curation and outdated datasets.

The success metrics for Satlas are clear: accuracy, timeliness, and accessibility. The platform’s ability to deliver geospatial data products with a high degree of precision is its primary metric. Its monthly update schedule also ensures the information remains current, allowing for real-time decision-making. Furthermore, Satlas’ commitment to openness, by releasing both training data and model weights, fosters collaboration and innovation in the field of geospatial analysis.

In conclusion, Satlas, the brainchild of the Allen Institute for AI, represents a quantum leap in the field of global geospatial data accessibility. By harnessing the power of deep learning and satellite imagery, Satlas addresses the critical need for up-to-date and accurate geospatial data, unlocking a plethora of applications in emissions reduction, disaster response, urban planning, and beyond. As Satlas continues to expand its offerings and explore new horizons, it promises to be an indispensable tool for those striving to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world.

Check out the Platform and Reference Article. All Credit For This Research Goes To the Researchers on This Project. Also, don’t forget to join our 29k+ ML SubReddit, 40k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and Email Newsletter, where we share the latest AI research news, cool AI projects, and more.

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A12 Researchers Introduce Satlas: A New AI Platform for Exploring Global Geospatial Data Generated by Artificial Intelligence from Satellite Imagery Read More »

The Rise of AI in Website Building: A Closer Look at Hostinger AI Website Builder

In today’s digital age, having a website is non-negotiable for anyone seeking to establish a strong online presence. However, the thought of diving into the complex world of coding, designing, and hosting can be overwhelming for many. What if I told you that you don’t have to be a tech wizard to create a professional website? Meet Hostinger AI Website Builder, the game-changer that makes website creation as easy as a few clicks.

Hostinger’s AI Approach

Hostinger AI Website Builder targets a broad audience ranging from business owners to bloggers, offering a streamlined process to go online. Priced at a freemium model starting at $2.99/month, Hostinger’s AI tools include a website builder, content writer, logo maker, and heatmap analysis. The platform’s promise is to turn a brief brand description into a full-fledged website within minutes.

What Sets It Apart?

Sure, the AI-assisted process seems revolutionary, but how effective is it? Hostinger’s AI not only curates a responsive design but also auto-generates content and images. This is a significant step forward for those who find the prospect of content creation daunting. Furthermore, the platform incorporates a drag-and-drop editor, making any subsequent customization a straightforward affair.

A unique characteristic of Hostinger’s AI Website Builder is its responsiveness to the length and details of the prompt you provide. If you enter a short, vague description, the AI generates a more general website template. While this could be a good starting point, it might require more customization afterward. On the other hand, a detailed, longer description enables the AI to grasp your specific needs better, resulting in a more tailored website layout, content, and even images. 

SEO and Security Features

While its AI capabilities are the cornerstone of Hostinger’s Website Builder, it also offers built-in SEO tools. In today’s crowded digital ecosystem, SEO optimization is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. The platform also emphasizes data security with unlimited SSL certificates and Cloudflare-protected nameservers.

Pros and Cons: An Objective View


AI-Powered: Custom design and content generated by algorithms.

Security: Robust security measures including SSL and automatic backups.

Budget-Friendly: Competitive pricing with a feature-rich package.


Collaboration Limits: Multi-user, real-time editing is not supported.

Member Area Gap: The platform currently lacks the capability to set up exclusive member areas or paywalls.

The AI Toolbox

Hostinger’s AI Website Builder offers a variety of specialized tools, such as an AI website generator that crafts a site based on your brand description. Its AI writer tool can populate your site with relevant content, and its logo maker can create a basic brand logo. Additionally, its heatmap analysis tool provides insights into user behavior, helping you optimize your site further.

Another cool AI tool under Hostinger AI Website Builder is AI Logo Maker, which streamlines the branding process. Simply input your brand name, slogan, and a brief description, and the AI generates a personalized, eye-catching logo. It’s an efficient way to create a unique brand identity without the time-consuming manual effort.

So, let’s dive in and try using the Hostinger AI Website builder

Step 1: Go to the website

Step 2: See the video to learn how to start and build a website using AI

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Thanks to Sanebox for the thought leadership/ Educational article. Sanebox has supported this Content.

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Revolutionizing Speech Restoration: Stanford-Led Research Unveils High-Performance Neuroprosthesis for Unconstrained Communication”

Speech brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are a cutting-edge technological advancement with promising applications for rehabilitating individuals who lost the ability to communicate due to a disability. Decoding brain processes to enable communication of unrestricted phrases from a huge lexicon is still in its infancy, although early investigations have shown promise.

As a means of filling this void, a team of researchers from Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, the VA RR&D Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology, Brown University, and Harvard Medical School recently presented a high-performance speech-to-text BCI that can process unconstrained sentences from a large vocabulary at a speed of 62 words/minute. This rate greatly exceeds the communication rates of conventional technologies for people with paralysis. Using brain activity recordings from the BrainGate2 pilot clinical trial, the team first examines how the motor cortex organizes orofacial movement and speech production. They found that all studied movements were strongly tuned in region 6v.

The researchers then looked at how the data for each movement was spread over area 6v, discovering that the dorsal array carried more information about orofacial movements but that the ventral array provided the most reliable speech decode rates. Despite this, 6v arrays offer a wealth of data on every type of motion. Finally, 3.2 3.2 mm2 arrays can adequately represent all voice articulators. Next, they examined whether or not they could neutrally parse full sentences in real-time. They use state-of-the-art voice recognition-inspired bespoke machine learning techniques to train a recurrent neural network (RNN) that excels with a minimum of neural data.

Using their data, the suggested method can correctly decode 92% of 50 words, 62% of 39 phonemes, and 92% of all orofacial movements. Furthermore, 62 words per minute are achieved while using the speech-to-text BCI. To sum up, consistent and spatially intermixed tuning to all examined movements shows that the representation of speech articulation is strong enough to sustain a speech BCI despite paralysis and limited coverage of the cortical surface. Area 6v recordings were used for further analysis because area 44 provided minimal data pertaining to speech production.

The capacity to talk and move can be severely compromised, if not lost entirely, in those with neurological illnesses such as brainstem stroke or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Paralyzed persons can now type between eight and eighteen words per minute using BCIs based on hand movement activity. Although they show great promise, speech BCIs have yet to attain excellent accuracy on large vocabularies, which would greatly accelerate their ability to restore natural communication. Using microelectrode arrays to record brain activity at single-neuron resolution, researchers developed a speech BCI that can parse unstretched sentences from a wide vocabulary (speed of 62 words per minute). This is the first time a BCI has been shown to deliver much faster communication rates than other technologies for the paralyzed.

This experiment demonstrates that it is possible to use neural spiking activity to decode attempts at speech, including a wide vocabulary. It should be noted, however, that the system still needs to be completed enough to be used in a clinical setting. There is still more work to make BCIs more user-friendly by minimizing the time to train the decoder and adapting to variations in brain activity over many days. In addition, more evidence of safety and effectiveness is needed before intracortical microelectrode arrays may be widely used in clinical settings. Furthermore, the decoding results demonstrated here need to be replicated in additional participants, and it is unclear whether or not they would apply to people with more severe orofacial paralysis. More research is required to confirm that regions of the precentral gyrus storing speech information can be reliably targeted across individuals with varying degrees of brain structure, which is a potential problem.

Check out the Paper. All Credit For This Research Goes To the Researchers on This Project. Also, don’t forget to join our 29k+ ML SubReddit, 40k+ Facebook Community, Discord Channel, and Email Newsletter, where we share the latest AI research news, cool AI projects, and more.

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